
The genesis of “My Rich Life” was the desire to create a positive, uplifting web channel.

We believe that every day should include some time for personal reflection, positive energy, and spiritual growth.  We exist to provide this, and more!

It is our goal to offer enriching, easy to use, family-friendly services in a safe, secure environment.

The words, ‘My Rich Life’ were selected based on the ‘my’ centic nature of the internet–  e.g., my pictures, my music, my videos–  and the long-term vision of the convergence of all these cumulative areas of functionality into the delivery of a multimedia experience centered on the “richness” of our lives. 

My Rich Life exists as a channel to provide universally accepted “rich” moments recognized to be true on some level of understanding, appreciation, authentication or altrusim.

My Rich Life provides the outlet (and input) for expression of the collective consciousness and unconsciousness of what we all understand to be the true nature of a rich life.  My Rich Life also provide a means to express and share specific moments of the lives of its community (see Submit tab).

My Rich Life was developed as an enterprise of Positive Living LLC, whose mission it is to help people lead better lives.  As an entity, it seeks to educate, motivate and inspire people to live their lives more fully and manage all their resources and talents optimally.  In addition to traditional means of communication, and evolutionary means that are rapidly becoming traditional, we may sometimes use transformative media in our mission to help transform lives!

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